FAR Films Screenwriters Bootcamp

Cannes: Fred (left) with ‘ZAYTOUN’ producing partner Gareth Unwin, Oscar Winning producer of ‘THE KINGS SPEECH.”

Always wanted to write your own movie?

Signup now as classes are filling up.

Join Fred Ritzenberg’s 8-Week Intensive Screenwriters Boot Camp, with class meeting once a week for 2.5 hours, and learn the skills necessary to complete a feature length screenplay, TV pilot, or web-series.

You will have weekly assignments that will further the development of your script with the goal of finishing a first draft by the end of the course.

Classes will cover the three-act structure, plot charts, loglines, outlines, pitches, character bios, types of conflict, tone, dramatic need, dramatic premise, motivation, character arcs, perceptions of reality, POV, exposition, subtext, multiple story levels, character v plot, cinematic storytelling, and more.

Class size will be limited. Due to Covid-19, classes will meet virtually through Zoom on Wednesdays from 7pm - 9:30pm starting on September 9th - Oct 28th.

The price of the course is $945.00

Fred Teaching Testimonials